Democratic Mayor Blames Indictment On Being Critical Of Biden

1 day ago

Eric Adams, the Democratic mayor of New York City, has now been indicted on multiple counts of bribery, fraud, and corruption. The state of New York has been reeling from one scandal to another in recent months. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Eric Adams, the Democratic Mayor of New York City, has now been indicted on multiple counts of bribery and fraud and corruption. And the state of New York has been reeling from one scandal after another in recent months. I've got Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins with me to talk about that. Farron, what is your take? My God, it's become like Sodom and Gomorrah up there. It's like the old Tammany Hall days is what reminds me of, when you read about Tammany Hall.
There must be something in the water up there in New York with all of these politicians that we have just seen. Just a couple weeks ago we sat here talking about the scandal at the governor's office where one of Kathy Hochul's top aides was found to be an unregistered foreign agent for China. And now the big one, right? Eric Adams indicted on multiple counts. You've got this huge laundry list of countries that he was allegedly, according to the indictment, taking bribes from, taking trips from. Over a hundred thousand dollars in luxury trips all over the globe. And in return, all he had to do was say, hey, Turkey, you want a bigger consulate? Yeah. We'll approve this multi-story mansion for you to build right here in New York. It is classic corruption, hands down and he got caught. And this investigation, though, five years in the making, they have been looking into this guy.
Which brings me to a question, okay. Yeah. First of all, you're right. He's been to Turkey, India, China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Hungary. He's been worldwide for what? He's the mayor of frigging New York City. It's not like he's gonna change anything in the world. So the point is, it's not just his office, obviously, the school system. The school system there is being investigated for bribery on contracts to build schools and to work in schools.
Three different individuals on that one, I think, right?
Yeah. And then the police department. So you got the top cop in New York, well, his twin brother is running payment scams, protection scams. He's shaking down nightclubs. He's the top cop, that's his brother and it's been going on a long time. Here's my point to that. All of this has been going on a long time. Okay. So all of a sudden he comes out and he says, look, this has been going on a long time. I haven't done anything but y'all investigating stuff that's been going on a long time. Why now? Why are you bringing it up now? And of course, his position is, it's because he came out and he said, look, Biden, your immigration policy was ridiculous. You're killing New York. The crime in New York is out of control. We don't have anywhere to put these immigrants. You've made no plans for that. You simply shipped them here and now we have to deal with it. Well, those are pretty strong words. Biden responded almost the next day, said that's mischaracterization. Then the next thing you know, there's this investigation going on. All of this has been going on for five years. Okay. So he says, if you go back and look at this, these allegations go back five or six years. Why now? What do you think?
Well, I don't think that this guy obviously was investigated because of his immigration stances especially when you look at the timeline of it too. Because if it goes back five years, well, Biden wasn't the president. We had Donald Trump in there with his DOJ. And I do think at this point he is looking for any kind of deflection, distraction. Don't look at what I did. He's also out there saying, oh, all of this was totally reported. These were perfectly legal gifts that I received. But no, none of them were reported. That's a verifiable lie that he is telling there. So, his credibility, I think at this point on any issue has been shot to hell.
Oh, I'd have to agree with that, I'd have to agree with it.
But, he is trying to push this narrative, trying to say, I'm the victim because of my policies.

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