ఈ జాగ్రత్తలు పాటిస్తే మీకు HIV ఉన్నా ఏం కాదు | Precautions for HIV Patients Treatment Cure Medicine

4 months ago

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ఈ జాగ్రత్తలు పాటిస్తే మీకు HIV ఉన్నా ఏం కాదు | Precautions for HIV Patients Treatment Cure Medicine

"Learn the essential precautions for HIV patients to maintain health and prevent transmission. In this video, we cover key tips like regular medical check-ups, staying on antiretroviral therapy (ART), safe practices to avoid infections, balanced nutrition, and mental health support. We also discuss ways to protect others through safe behaviors. Stay informed and empowered with these practical steps for better living with HIV."

Dr. Bharadwaz | HIV AIDS | Health & Fitness | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Clinical Research

#HIVPrecautions #HIVAwareness #HealthTips #HIVSupport #LivingWithHIV

#DrBharadwaz #Helseform #Fidicus #Clingenious
#ClingeniousHealth #HelseformFitness #FidicusHomeopathy #ClingeniousResearch

#FidicusHIV #HIV #AIDS #HumanImmunodeficiencyViruses #AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome
#Treatment #Cure #Prevent #Relieve #Medicine #Vaccine
#AlternativeTherapy #AdjuvantTherapy #AlternativeMedicine #AlternativeSystem

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Fidicus HIV
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