😍Guggenheim Museum , Bilbao, Spain

4 months ago

😍Guggenheim Museum , Bilbao, Spain

Guggenheim, The surname is German, said to mean literally "swamp hamlet" or "cuckoo hamlet."
When the Basque government requested funding from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in 1991 to build a Guggenheim museum in Bilbao's decaying port area, which had once been the city's main source of revenue, the museum appropriately became a part of a larger redevelopment scheme intended to revitalize and modernize the industrial town.

The Guggenheim Museum, located in Bilbao, Spain, on the banks of the Nervión River, is a mix of intricate, whirling forms and alluring materiality that answers to a complex programme and an urban, industrial setting. ‬ Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, which has hosted more than a hundred exhibitions and welcomed more than ten million visitors to date, has not only altered how architects and the public view museums but has also significantly improved Bilbao's economy. In fact, the "Bilbao Effect" is the term used to describe the phenomena of a city's metamorphosis after the creation of a noteworthy piece of architecture. ‭ ‬ Twenty years later, the Museum is still challenging perceptions of the relationships between art and architecture.

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