UTubekookdetector vs. BadCallRipley & DougTheAmerican #DemocratCrimeWave

3 months ago

UTubekookdetector vs. BadCallRipley & DougTheAmerican on the #DemocratCrimeWave (spoiler alert: they lost)

Doug was challenged on this countless times, I finally got under his skin enough that he “tried” to reply. Usually, Doug just runs off to his small apartment, I mean Doug just runs off to another thread. His only advantage is lots of free time. https://rumble.com/v5etvxh-live-president-trump-in-las-vegas-nv.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp#comment-463294413 https://rumble.com/v5es5vo-ron-paul-shes-a-much-slicker-liar-than-i-realized.html#comment-463421370 https://rumble.com/v5f3cm4-theres-no-way-in-hell-someone-should-have-been-that-close-to-trump-rep.-tim.html#comment-464251781 https://rumble.com/v5f7p57-martin-country-sherriffs-dept.-releases-body-cam-footage-of-trump-assassina.html#comment-464225965 https://rumble.com/v5feauk-donald-trump-on-second-apparent-assassination-attempt-im-doing-fine.html#comment-464832045

Long story short, I challenged DougTheClown to debate me on something specific, something that could not be summed-up in a few sentences – I challenged Doug to debate me on why the most violent counties in America have beaucoup black on black murder & tend to vote Democrat. Doug always runs off. As I said, Doug’s only advantage is lots of free time. While others are at work, he’s posting on social media all day. https://rumble.com/v5dus5x-brian-tyler-cohens-blue-county-murder-problem-illinois-hub-video.html https://rumble.com/v53dcwx-the-democratcrimewave-video-hub.html

This is why I do these elongated essays, I can’t post all of it in a comment (anything Doug knows about a subject will fit on the back of a business card), so I just reference the video it’s on & go from there. It’s a good hedge against unemployed agitators.

You will find Doug, along w/ his little buddy 505GUY (who I already refuted https://rumble.com/v5bscol-democrat-lunatic-505guy-makes-a-stunning-admission-about-the-democratcrimew.html ), as well as another clown (BADCALLRIPLEY, who I will refute soon) on Sean Hannity https://rumble.com/c/SeanHannity & Donald J. Trump https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump videos.

You might ask, why waste your time? Why not? They’re Communists that need to be put in their place, I’m showing the world again that these folks are not capable of debate, that’s why they vote for who they vote for. They also have no skin in the game & have been voting Democrat for half-a-century, they want goodies from the public treasury. When the dollar collapses & the shelves empty, they’ll last a week, tops.

Here are larger versions of the screenshots I took when I debunked Doug, so everyone can see his non-responses. Doug is uneducated, Doug can’t debate. You can also check the links (I screenshotted these, just in case Doug goes back & deletes the comments or deletes his account & gets a new one, which I’ve had people do before) Doug’s friend “callgirlripley”, I mean “badcallripley” will be next. https://archive.is/tw2SX https://archive.is/JtG7I https://archive.is/bclys https://archive.is/BSkYv https://archive.is/DXEZT https://archive.is/5GjqD https://archive.is/Y7Ch7

You might ask again, why waste your time? Why not? If I can embarrass another Communist, why not? Show the world these people are not capable of rational thought, only rage & a myriad of mental illnesses. This is why I always keep my Second Amendment handy, can you imagine how enraged these clowns would become if all their opponents were disarmed? That’s what they ultimately want.

Doug went to the INSURRECTION well often, he just watches MSLSD & CNN – copying their talking points. Read the Brandenburg v. Ohio SCOTUS decision Doug, where the conviction of a KKK member for “inciting a riot” was overturned. Then show me where Donald Trump said anything close to that on January 6th. I said that to Doug many times, no answer. https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/supreme-court-case-library/brandenburg-v-ohio https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/395/444 Doug is not interested in a debate; Doug is a drunk heckler in the balcony.

Trump was not found liable for rape, it was sexual assault Doug, there’s a difference. I would also ask, what year did this occur Doug? Any idea? There’s as much truth to E. Jean Carroll’s allegations as there were the fake allegations against Brett Kavanaugh & the fake allegations against Roy Moore. https://rumble.com/v1g1qwv-divorcee-sam-seder-and-david-miss-pakman-owe-roy-moore-an-apology.html

About those “dozens of felony convictions” Doug, tell me old man – what was the statute of limitations on those crimes 10 years ago? Do you know?

If Trump’s name were all over the Epstein papers in the manner you’re saying, it would’ve been leaked a long time ago. There were fake leaks during the phony Russia Collusion Hoax, they would’ve leaked something.

Hey Doug, Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge drunk & committed negligent manslaughter & then served FORTY more years in the Senate. Gerry Studds had sex w/ a child & remained a member of the House for over a decade after he was censured by the House & turned his back on that vote. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjjjpJfvdAw

Bill Clinton assaulted Paula Jones & likely a few other women; he was into having sex w/ women that were not that into him. Bill Clinton has cheated on Hillary numerous times & has had sex outside the bounds of marriage anytime.

If DougTheTroglodyte was a hypothetical voter in the Montana Senate contest vs. Tim Sheehy & Sheehy’s opponent was Gerry Studds, Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy, Doug would vote for any of them over Tim, so his “argument by outrage” has been neutered. https://rumble.com/vcohr5-on-the-progressive-mean-republicans-so-vote-democrat-argument.html

That’s all Doug had, no really, that’s all he had. If you see DougTheAmerican, BadCallRipley or 505GUY on Hannity or Trump videos, pass this onto them.

I might as well kill two birds w/ one stone – callgirlripley, I mean BADCALLRIPLEY repeats a lot of the same arguments Doug does.

INSURRECTION!! TRUMP RAPE!! TRUMP SEX outside of marriage, etc. BADCALLRIPLEY, are you saying that sex outside the bounds of marriage is wrong? If not, why are you whining about Trump having sex w/ all these women years & years ago? The Apostle Paul would agree w/ you, only in marriage is the bed undefiled. https://biblehub.com/hebrews/13-4.htm

Have you ever had sexual intercourse outside the bounds of marriage BADCALLRIPLEY? Uh, oh! I’d be surprised if a women gave this uneducated old man attention. When you whine about sex outside of marriage being sinful, are you saying that’s an objective or subjective truth. I’ve asked him that before, but no answer.

One argument he used that I did not hear from Doug was he cried about Republicans “banning books.” I have video addressing that, I informed badcallripley of that, but no follow-up from the old man. https://rumble.com/v4kjlg9-latifah-faisal-story-county-iowa-board-of-supervisors-likes-herself-some-co.html

CALLGIRLRIPLEY also claimed that the thousands of migrants in Springfield, OH are legal. Just pointing out that something's legal does not make it right. At one time, it was legal to tell Rosa Parks to get to the back of the bus. The Temporary Protective Status program that Congress enacted in 1990 needs a review & likely a kiboshing. I would also ask, what if thousands of migrants were sent to Martha's Vineyard? They would get thrown out! But it's ok for Kamala Harris & Joe Biden to dump thousands of migrants in GOP-leaning areas, right? CALLGIRLRIPLEY should change her name to BADLOGICRIPLEY.

Again and in conclusion, https://rumble.com/v5dus5x-brian-tyler-cohens-blue-county-murder-problem-illinois-hub-video.html https://rumble.com/v53dcwx-the-democratcrimewave-video-hub.html why are the most violent counties in America full of black on black murder & tend to vote Demoncrat? Why is that BADCALLRIPLEY, why is that DOUGTHEAMERICAN?

I also debunked the talking point that “crime is at a 50-year low,” which is another Commie talking point I’ve heard a lot over the past few months that is utter B.S. https://rumble.com/v5hs2eb-lyin-brian-tyler-cohen-joe-biden-and-that-lowest-crime-ever-b.s..html

I eagerly await the video response of Doug or callgirlripley & wish them good luck; they will need it.

Again, if you see them on Trump or Hannity videos, along w/ their bf 505GUY, pass this along to them. Thanks in advance!

PS BADCALLRIPLEY also whined about Republicans saying the 2020 election was stolen (I believe it was, here are the receipts https://archive.is/9qkHK https://archive.is/bEh4q), but I pointed out to the old man that Democrats invented “election denial.” https://rumble.com/user/UTubekookdetector?q=election%20denier Never received a response from him on that either.

DougTheAmerican & CallGirlRipley, the board has received your concession & I graciously accept it!

Creepy old man Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport is worried about guns, his voters are the problem https://rumble.com/v4d9s0f-creepy-old-man-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-p.html

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