Kamala Finally Reveals What Kind Of Gun She Has - And Now She's Got A Big Problem

9 hours ago

Posted • October 8, 2024: "I have a Glock," Kamala Harris told CBS's "60 Minutes" program on Sunday. And the sound you heard in reply was the gun world suddenly bursting forth with a huge guffaw that sounded suspiciously like the long version of BS. The "60 Minutes" interview was part of the Democrat presidential candidate's effort to convey a more serious tone, between the sex podcast and "The View" appearances, that is. As Matt reports, the interview was a disaster for a variety of reasons. The gun issue is on another level altogether. Even though any gun guy would have asked what kind of a Glock do you own, at least Whitaker asked whether or not she'd ever fired it, so give the city slicker some credit. But the problem is, as attorney general of California, Kamala Harris declared the very gun that the 2024 version of Kamala Harris says she owns "unsafe."

Note that California law classifies ALL Glocks as "unsafe handguns" because they do not have a compliant chamber load indicator, lack a magazine disconnect mechanism, and until our lawsuit caused California to repeal the requirement, of course lacked microstamping. The only reason we can still buy Gen 3s is because they are grandfathered in, but they are still "unsafe handguns". We can't buy more modern Glocks new in gun stores (just secondhand from exempt cops, or from those who moved here with them from other states). She supported the Unsafe Handgun Act and expanded it such that microstamping began to be enforced in 2013. So why does she own an "unsafe handgun"?

If anyone gets another chance before the election to ask Harris about her gun, they should include these questions: Do you stand by your actions as attorney general of California, which led to an effective decade-long ban on the sale of modern handguns in California until the law was declared unconstitutional last year? -- If so, how do you square that with your recent statements that make it sound like you do not oppose the right to own handguns? -- inally, as to any handguns you own, are they on the California roster, or do you own a handgun California law declares "unsafe"? If the latter, did you purchase it using an exemption not available to regular citizens? (…)

• More at: PJ Media - Kamala Finally Reveals What Kind of Gun She Has—and Now She's Got a Big Problem

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