Mastering a Conversation - Day 9

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Day 9 - Mastering a Conversation

The teaching that will change everything.

Listen like a Stone with ears

Listening is one of our best powers, and it can be switched on in a flash

I have seen this work time and time again and every moment is magical. A Knowing

Listen like a stone with ears. No talking, no interrupting, no reactions, complete presence.

Magic takes place in the silence, so many insights will be presented to us. We start learning more and more about yourself.

We also then bring much more awareness to people we are speaking to and we then can become the conductor of the energy in the conversation. We can choose to ask power questions that re guide from a fear state to a place of love.

During one of the next conversations you have, Set yourself the intention to become the Observer, become the soul

Bring awareness to the triggers, the opinions and beliefs. Pay more attention and go beyond just the words that are spoken, notice as much as you can.

Listen out for the inner voice, bring awareness to your ego judging, feel when the energy shifts and what triggered that, notice your movement, face expressions. Get curious about what you do within a conversation



When you listen you hear, when you hear you are HERE now.


You have won when you are present

You become the gift.

You are the greatest gift to them listening like a stone with ears

Enjoy todays teaching

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