Scandalous! Kamala Harris

4 months ago

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Kamala Harris has a ton of scandals chasing her trying to catch up and so far she seems to be faster than them all. Of course, she gets a lot of help from the media. I remember just a few months ago when they didn't like her...

Kamala is likely the most scandalous presidential candidate in my lifetime. The questions surrounding her are much too much to ignore. Let's start with her upbringing. Did you know she was a red diaper baby?

Now that she is the nominee, voters seem to have forgotten all the things we know she lied about--namely, Joe Biden's health. And she's not sorry. And she knew the diary was real all along; she knows that Joe is a creep.

I mean, she was the DA in L.A. when Michael Jackson was going through it. And her record with the other Black men was not better.

And we're just scratching the surface! Don't be fooled into believing she has garnered unanimous support from the Black Community.

It's said that Kamala started off as a prostitute. It's said that Kamala has been to Diddy parties. I can't confirm any of it but some say that Hillary trying to get in front of the situation. An October surprise, maybe?

People must have forgotten about the Afghan withdrawal too.

How many of you know what she did to your medicare??

And y'all remember how Obama had issues surrounding his birth certificate? Kamala's whole damned family is suspect!

Also the media isn't talking about how her husband apparently beats women...
And that same husband has connections to what's happening in North Carolina--he stands to make a fortune because of the hurricane.

So look, I ain't trying to tell you who to vote for. That ain't my job. But I do know one thing: You could not possibly do worse than this here woman.

Or maybe I don't know what I am talking about. You tell me.

Trevor Louden - Kamala Harris Has Extensive Communist Ties

PBD Podcast - Showers With My Dad

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