8 hours ago


In the annals of old, where legends are born,
A Viking hero, fierce and sworn,
Ragnar Lothbrok, a name so grand,
With sword in hand, he roamed the land.

Ragnar! Ragnar! The warrior king,
To his tales of glory, we all cling,
Across the seas, through storm and fire,
Ragnar’s saga, our hearts inspire!

From humble start to kingly throne,
He sailed the seas, the unknown,
With cunning mind and iron will,
Ragnar’s name echoes still.

Ragnar! Ragnar! The warrior king,
To his tales of glory, we all cling,
Across the seas, through storm and fire,
Ragnar’s saga, our hearts inspire!

With shield and axe, he carved his fate,
Through trials fierce and warlord's gate,
A farmer’s heart, a ruler’s soul,
In Ragnar’s veins, the thunder’s roll.

To distant shores, he led his kin,
In search of glory, through thick and thin,
From England’s fields to Paris walls,
Ragnar answered the wild’s calls.

Ragnar! Ragnar! The warrior king,
To his tales of glory, we all cling,
Across the seas, through storm and fire,
Ragnar’s saga, our hearts inspire!

And though he fell, his legend grew,
In sons and tales, his spirit flew,
Ragnar Lothbrok, eternal flame,
Forever etched in Viking fame.

Ragnar! Ragnar! The warrior king,
To his tales of glory, we all cling,
Across the seas, through storm and fire,
Ragnar’s saga, our hearts inspire!

🎵 Welcome to "RAGNAR LOTHBROK," an epic Viking music video that pays tribute to the legendary Norse hero and king, Ragnar Lothbrok. 🌌

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