why They Envy Germany

5 months ago

why They Envy Germany

“They hate social Germany. What have we done to them? Nothing at all. What did we take from them? Nothing at all. Have we threatened them? Not a single instance. Were we not ready to conclude an agreement with them? Yes, we were. And we even did so. Did we not restrict ourselves in our armaments? Alas, all this was of no interest to them.

What they hate is the Germany which sets a dangerous example for them, this social Germany.

It is the Germany of social labour, legislation which they hated before the war and which they still hate today. It is the Germany of social welfare, of social equality, of the elimination of class differences – that is what they hate.

They hate this Germany which in the course of seven years has laboured to afford its people a decent life. That is what they hate.

They hate this Germany which has eliminated unemployment, which in spite their wealth they have not been able to eliminate. That is what they hate.

This Germany which grants its labourers decent housing – this is what they hate. Because they have a feeling that their own people could be ‘infected’ thereby.

It is their big money men, their Jewish and non-Jewish international barons, banking barons etc who hate us because they see in Germany a bad example potentially rousing other peoples, especially their own people!”

~ Adolf Hitler

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