What They May Be Planning Here Soon With The 5-G -- Richard Tomas

14 hours ago

They didn’t just rush 5-G up during the Lockdowns because they were concerned for our Internet Speed.

LOL, I hope no one bought that incredible bullsh*t.

4G was just fine.

5-G is a weapon.

Richard Tomas says he was listening to a panel of scientists (did not reveal his source) who said that they rushed to put up 5G to be used in conjunction with the contents in the Jabs, to first experiment and then to trigger something out of a sci-fi movie – a Zombie Apocalypse.

The contents of the jabs contain nanolipids which are like little bubbles. Well, these tiny bubble can house a payload of viruses, bacteria and toxins.

When bombarded with the correct frequency these nanolipids can break and release those pathogens and toxins.

They cross the brain barrier and when they are released in the brain, it’s bad news.

That is one place that toxins and pathogens should never be.

This is what could create the Zombie Apocalypse like scenario that the CDC website has described. It is their way of predictive programming.

I think we ALL can feel that something is going to happen fairly soon. It’s like there is an alarm clock ticking down, we just don’t know how much time we have left until they pull the trigger and cause the big event they have been planning.

People are waking up and they have ALLOWED this at their own pace by controlling the amount of content to be shared by all those who upload to Bitchute, Rumble and Youtube – you just really sense that it is getting close as you know that most will be awake in about two to three years time,

Will there be smaller “events” before the grand finale like “natural” catastrophies or what?

You definitely know why they built that wall around the white house, they knew they were going to run multiple psyops and there is always a chance someone who will actually do something will pop up.

They are really controlling the flow of truth data to be uploaded and shared on all platforms now, but they would have to completely shut down the Internet to avoid the Wake Up that is occurring.

They have to know this and time is not on their side as more and more are waking up each day.

They know they have to do something to stop this.

Deagle predicted a MASSIVE die off in the United States by 2025. They obviously used a supercomputer or quantum computer to predict this and they had to input whatever they are planning to do.

All I know is that something big is coming, just a matter of when and what they do.

Source: Richard T Baily -- https://www.facebook.com/richardtomasATL/videos/8409450112496228/?rdid=k7cJyhC2kGTHAary


PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day.

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Follow me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/WakeUpWorld

Thank You!!

END. 10/11/2024 – 9:00 PM

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