Living in the Light with Guest Rick Reles BFRO Bigfoot Investigator

7 days ago

Rick Reles is a BFRO investigator, currently living in Western North Carolina. Rick is retired from 37 years of professional business life, where he traveled the world frequently. In 2010 while driving across Northern Wisconsin, with another business associate, they saw a Sasquatch cross the road ahead of their vehicle. This began his interest and research journey into the Bigfoot world.
AS a BFRO investigator, he has attended and helped lead dozens of expeditions. He speaks at conferences frequently, has been a guest on dozens of podcasts on the subject of Bigfoot and Cryptids, and is a recording artist (Just Rick), with the song “Woodbooger Walk” out on Spotify, I Tunes, etc.. He consulted for the show “Finding Bigfoot”, which aired three episodes, involving encounters he has had with the creature.
His Field guide to Bigfoot Stick structures is in its fourth edition. Rick is also a partner in IKNOWSQUATCH, a Wisconsin LLC, that sells leading edge Sasquatch related merchandise. IKNOWSQUATCH has an ETSY store, is on Instagram and Facebook, and will be displaying and selling merchandise at numerous events in 2024. He has done articles for Bold Life magazine and also The New York Post.

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