ON DEMAND! From- Oct.8,'24: Abortion is Murder, those performing it are killing CHILDREN! THEY HAVE AS MUCH RIGHT TO LIVE, AS WE DO!!

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ON DEMAND! From- Oct.8,'24:
..Abortion is Murder, those performing it are killing CHILDREN! THEY HAVE AS MUCH RIGHT TO LIVE, AS WE DO!!
..We expose the entire industry, its origins, the greed driving it, the near homicidal mania it has caused among some, and the moral significance of those who prefer to protect the unborn and all children from such murder. Particularly in late term and post birth situations.
The weaponized Justice Department has started arresting those expressing religious protest near Abortion Mills, in a massive deprivation of Due Process and Right of Assembly, by demonizing and criminalization. Yet the pro-lifers are resting on the moral high ground, while the pro choice are in the gutter.
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CONTACT: L4Atv1@gmail.com

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