FEMA is Failing America

16 hours ago

We talk about how FEMA is really harming more then helping those survivors of Hurricane Helene; I bring up how I believe HAARP may very well be behind that hurricane, which was losing strength and heading out to sea when it suddenly reinvigorated and veered back inland.
Coincidentally (???) Helene wreaked destruction on areas that are heavily in favor of Trump. Also coincidentally (Yeah, RIGHT!) whole towns were wiped out in areas that have never flooded before (they are in mountains), and that are adjacent to Mineral Rich areas; one mineral in particular is Lithium, and the people there have for years resisted allowing lithium mining to take place...but now, those people are being told that 1) their homes and town have been destroyed and are uninhabitable, and they will have to live else where; and 2) that the Government now owns all that land.
Can you hear the dollar signs?
I go on to talk about how Man-Made Climate Change is actually Weather Control and Weaponization by Government(s). One example is how recent flooding took place in Qatar, in a DESERT land...
That brought us to the Sphinx and the hidden chamber known to definitely exist under the Sphinx's left paw, which the Egyptian Authorities refuse to allow to be excavated; a chamber that was predicted by Edgar Cayce back in the late 1930s, and which he said contains information that would bring great changes to Religion (of any kind) when discovered...
We go to politics, and I point out that the sayings Kamala Harris loves to repeat every time she speaks are actually old-line Communist sayings; how Hillary is openly declaring her opposition to the First Amendment; and how a corrupt Colorado Judge has sentenced Tina Peters to a 9 year sentence because she saved ballot information from 2020, before the Democrats controlling that State could destroy the ballots (which they did soon after the so-called election). The information she saved clearly shows many irregularities in the voting that year, but rather than investigate that, Colorado choose instead to go after Tina for being a whistleblower.
We end up talking a bit about black cowboys in the Old West, and circle back to the Ionosphere, Earthquakes, Frequencies, DARPA...

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