COVID vaccines kill the Bifidobacteria in your gut and destroy immunity.

10 hours ago

"I said, well, you know what, since the agenda is the vaccine, well, let's look at what the vaccine's doing in the microbiome. And that's at the same time as they started rolling these vaccines, I started enrolling doctors that basically were getting vaccinated. And I'm like, can I get your stools before and after you get vaccinated? So the first four patients I started noticing a month later, the bifidobacteria, this important microbe is this is dropping in patients pre and post vaccinations. So then I started like asking myself, wait a minute, what's going on here? I mean, is it creating a bifida or phage? You know, cause this is precision medicine. This is forensics of the gut, right? You've got your microbiome this way before and you've got it after and it's the same patient and only a certain group of microbes are getting killed. You gotta pay attention. So then, you know, 10, 20, 30, 34 patients later we're seeing this, you know, killing of the bifidobacteria. All my colleagues called me and said, hey, I saw your data, that's incredible. How do you think this is happening? The vaccine's supposed to be improving your immunity. And we all know bifidobacteria is a huge part of immunity. How do you think it's happening? So then I said, I think it's creating a bacteriophage or bifidophage. And what we noticed is in four patients that we followed, which were amazing shape, we followed them for 90 days and then next thing you know, their bifidobacteria dropped to like zero, from like a million to like zero. So it kept persisting. So there was a persistence in the damage and not only 90 days, but six months, nine months later. So that was the thing that started making me panic. And then as we were looking at the microbiome of newborns to mothers who were breastfeeding, we started noticing that there's no bifidobacteria in those newborns. So we asked ourselves, well, I mean, cause newborns are supposed to have a ton of bifidobacteria, right? 90% of the microbiome of babies is bifidobacteria. So we said, well, how come these babies born to moms that are breastfeeding that were vaccinated have zero bifidobacteria? Is the spike protein going to the breast milk into the baby's gut and killing whatever the baby's trying to build?"

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