Heaven Land Devotions - Heaven Is The Land of Prayer

16 hours ago

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There has been an ongoing drawing of God in my heart in times of prayer. I have been experiencing a moving of God about it. It is not about praying more or less but about the depths of it, the vastness of it. The unsearchable riches of it and how beyond our understanding it is.

Yesterday morning I was thinking about prayer during devotions because I had done a message on it a few days ago. I was going over things I had shared. I said to myself, "How vast and eternal prayer is."

The momment I said that I heard His still small Voice within say, "If you can describe heaven you will be able to describe prayer." Moments later I heard more...."You grow into prayer until you become the prayer."

God wants to take you farther and deeper into prayer in ways only He can do. It is not in verbal excercises, or reading chapters of books on how to pray or go deeper. Those only impede the process. Remember prayer is an eternal thing. Once you pray it remains eternal.

Begin to go beyond thin prayers hoping God will hear you. He is not a tempramental God, but a rich, full and flowing God of spiritual, ceaseless rivers and streams of life-giving waters. Start believing God for greater things, it honors Him. He deserves our believing in Him since we call ourselves "believers."

Reach out to Him and watch what He will do through you. Prayer reveals Jesus Christ so "That all the people of the earth may know that the Lord is God, and that there is none else."

“Prayer [is] the quiet, persistent living of our life of desire and faith in the presence of our God.” ~ Andrew Murray

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