Awakening Changes Darkness into Light - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

2 months ago

December 20 - Awakening Changes Darkness into Light - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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We, those who once walked in darkness, who judged others and ourself for it, are now choosing to focus on the light within us all. Thanks to the gift of time, we can now look back and better understand the totality of our journey as the gift that it was, is and will be. By looking back, we realize that the light, the choice to align with Love even in our darkest moments, had always been available to us. Now, with this knowledge in hand, when we look at our current challenges, we are comforted knowing that, in the end, everything will be alright. Now we know that in any seemingly dark or difficult time, the decision to choose and focus on the Light is always available to us.

Today, if dark thoughts appear before us, let us see them as a part of our mind that remains asleep to its true nature. Let us recall that as children of the Light, in every moment, the Light is available to us. Then aligned with the Light, let us offer whatever of Love’s expressions the moment is requesting from us. Let us no longer doubt ourselves. We are all designed to bring light into the darkness. Now when darkness tries to enter our light, let us not condemn the darkness, but instead, see it as simply a call for help and healing. We are here to help our brothers and sisters heal so that they too may awaken to the light within. Today, through our example and by the way we treat and interact with them, let us help them recall the light within. Let us help them recall that this light is available to them even when they are finding it too dark to see.
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