Turning Condemnation Into Compassion - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

25 days ago

December 19 - Turning Condemnation Into Compassion - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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Today, let us elevate our life and the world by making the past target of our condemnation — the present recipient of our compassion. In this time of Christmas and other religious holidays, let us be charitable enough to offer ourself the opportunities to find peace in areas of our life that have been calling out for healing. As God’s child and creation, aren’t we worthy of peace? Being all One, aren’t we all worthy of peace? When we withhold peace from another, we fail to experience it ourself. God is Love, who in truth we are. Forgiveness and compassion are two expressions of Love. When we choose compassion over condemnation, we are choosing God’s guidance over the ego’s judgment-centric programs. Today, one with our Source, let us humbly allow compassionate thoughts, words and actions to lead the way.

Today, if the ego demands that you condemn yourself or another, let that trigger you to remember that today’s goal is to offer compassion to everyone you think of or meet. The more you decide to offer compassion over condemnation, the more natural and normal this choice and behavior becomes. The more compassionate you become, the more peace you will experience. Now you can see that those in your life are simply offering you the opportunities to choose compassion and thus to be at peace. Would gratitude not be the appropriate response to these individuals? By their presence in your life, are they not helping you awaken to who you are in truth? Today, your compassionate choices signal to you that you are inviting God’s love to bless and flow through you and throughout your day.
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