Reversing the Ego’s Anger Programmed Response - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

30 days ago

December 18 - Reversing the Ego’s Anger Programmed Response - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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God is Love and All. Anger, not being an expression of Love, is a programmed response that the ego has taught us to make. But the ego, placing itself in opposition to All, can neither be real or true. If the ego is not real or true then anything that it teaches is false. Our beliefs in the ego’s false concepts are what keeps them in our life (and the world). When we no longer support our programmed response of anger, its power over us will diminish. Today, if we find ourself aligned with anger, it is not because of what someone else did, but because we are currently asleep to the loving truth in us. Anger is what the ego insists is a “just,” “proper,” and “natural” response to the situation. But if the ego is right, why, in our moments of reflection, do we then feel burdened by the weight of guilt, shame and regret?

Today, if the ego once again demands anger, let us no longer allow the blind to lead the blind. We have already traveled the ego’s path of judgment, anger, resentment, regret, guilt and shame too many times to count. We already know this is a path that leads us nowhere we desire to go. Now let us instead hear and understand anger as a call from the Universe asking us to take back control of our mind from the ego. In doing so, we return to aligning with our Loving Source and offer Love’s expression of forgiveness. It is forgiveness that will help us return to the state of peace. As Love’s creations, forgiveness and peace are our birthright. Then let us thank, not be angry at, all those who through their presence in our life have helped us recall that, in any moment, we can choose forgiveness over anger and thus peace over pain.
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