X22 Report-3469-Multiple Job Holders Hit Record High Like ’08-KH Fake Poll Numbers Implode-Ad Free!

19 hours ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3469a - Multiple Job Holders Hit Record High Just Like 2008, Costco Gold Bars Flying Off Shelf

The oil companies are now shifting away from the green agenda, they are realizing that if they continue down this path they will go bankrupt. [KH] plan is the same plan the [DS] has been pushing, tax the rich. Gold bars at Costco are flying off the shelf, why would that be if the economy is strong.

Ep. 3469b - [KH] Fake Poll Numbers Implode,[DS] Ready To Shift Into Phase II, Stage Set

The [DS] is in trouble, [KH] fake poll numbers are imploding, they will not have the poll numbers to create the ballots they need. [DS] ready to shift into Phase II of the election rigging. They need to give [KH] a boost or they need to swap her out. The [DS] ready to move into phase II which is post election. The stage has been set and now the [DS] is going down the path the patriots have set for them. 

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