DAC: Blood Money, Lies, and Kamala’s Economy—A Minnesota Reckoning

22 hours ago

Some of y’all in Minnesota should be facing life sentences with the blood money y’all got from watching Black men die in these streets. Don’t think for a second that any of you are off the hook. See, there’s no more “Mr. Nice Guy” around here. You’ve had your time, you’ve stolen from communities already suffering, and now it’s time to lay it bare—this game you’ve been playing? We’re coming for it, and all of you who played a part in this will be held to account.
But, let’s pivot for a second to what happened on 60 Minutes last night. Vice President Kamala Harris—yup, the same Kamala y’all love to hate—took the stage to address a few burning issues. The economy, immigration, the mess in the Middle East, and of course, why she’s not anything like former President Trump. Now, I don’t have to tell you that this woman has been the target of more attacks than a Minnesota protestor during the George Floyd uprising, but what I will tell you is this: she’s still standing. Whether you like her or not, you gotta admit, Kamala Harris doesn’t back down.
She discussed the state of our economy—about as wrecked as trust in the Twin Cities’ political landscape. She brought up immigration, as more families find themselves crossing our borders looking for hope, while Black families right here can’t even find hope in their own neighborhoods. She dove into the Middle East conflict, where civilians are dying in Gaza and Israel, and it’s a war that just keeps dragging on—much like Minnesota’s own fight for true justice. And then, she made one thing clear: She’s not Trump. But what does that even mean anymore? After all, the system keeps eating people alive no matter who’s in charge.
Now let’s bring it back to home base, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. He’s out here promoting his Family Leave Program like it’s some kind of blessing from the gods, saying it was “promoted by the business community.” But here’s the thing—Tim, the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce just pulled the rug out from under you, issuing a statement making it clear that this is categorically false. Not just a little off. Not just “misinformed.” Nope. False. A lie.
Now, when politicians lie, it’s like a tradition. They tell you what you wanna hear, smile for the camera, and go on with their day. But this isn’t just another lie, Minnesota. This lie is about the future of our workforce, our families, and the communities already struggling to make it. It’s the kind of thing that gets glossed over until it’s too late to fight back. So let’s call it what it is: Tim Walz is selling snake oil and pretending it’s medicine. He says this program was backed by the very people it’s meant to exploit—businesses who know that giving workers more rights cuts into their profits. But y’all ain’t stupid. You know that the only people who stand to gain from this are politicians looking to score points, while working-class families are left to scrape by with the crumbs.
Look, this isn’t a knock against family leave—it’s a knock against dishonesty. Just like the dishonesty that led to Black men bleeding out in the streets while fat cats filled their pockets with blood money. Y’all really thought nobody was watching? You thought we forgot? Nah, not a chance. We’re watching every move you make, and we’re keeping tabs.
So, to Minnesota’s governor, its politicians, and its power players—I hope you’re ready for the reckoning that’s coming your way. Your lies, your corruption, your backdoor deals—it’s all about to come to light. You think you can get away with it? Not anymore.
And Kamala, if you’re still listening, good luck. You’re navigating an economy held together with duct tape and a border policy that makes enemies of people who are just trying to survive. You’re sitting in a White House where the decisions made are about as far removed from reality as Tim Walz’s business backing claims. But here’s the thing—Black America is watching. We’ve been watching for generations. And we won’t let anyone—presidents, vice presidents, governors, or mayors—forget what happens when you turn your back on the people who need you most.
Minnesota, your blood money is about to catch up with you. Your lies will come to light. And there’s no more Mr. Nice Guy.
Stay tuned, stay woke, and stay ready. Because this fight? It’s just getting started.
** Out Now **
Chains In the Air
You’ve been listening to Da Urban Conservative. Where we tell the truth, even when it burns. No more games. No more lies. It’s time to hold everyone accountable. Whether it’s Kamala, Walz, or the hustlers in these streets—we see you. And we’re not backing down.

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