Keir Starmer Should Be Reminded He Isn't Above The Law!

17 hours ago

Right, so would Keir Starmer make such a smug statement as he has done here if he genuinely feared any legal repercussions for his conduct? Another way of looking at this particular story is that the former human rights lawyer as Keir Starmer is, has clearly completely sold out on his human rights views, if he every genuinely had any to begin with, because he has damned himself utterly and if there truly was any justice in the world, he’d be heading to court for what he’s said, because what he has stood up in parliament and stated, protected by parliamentary privilege as it is, is frankly in my view the language of the war criminal. The language of the genocidalist and all hidden behind that mantra that is pervading our politics and our media narratives, that gets shoehorned in every time such terminology gets mentioned, and that is that Israel has the right to defend itself, or herself as Starmer likes to put it, but the trouble with that is, when they are attacking everyone around them who criticises them, attacking militarily on eight fronts currently, when they are the perpetrators and nott he victims, despite you desperate clinging to the night of October 7th as the single reference point of any importance, it ignores the 12 months that have followed that concerns the rest of us. What Starmer has said deserves to land him in a court of law, he’s protected from that by that parliamentary privilege, but the court of public opinion is a very different matter.
Right so Keir Starmer nailing on the fact he is not going to budge one iota, not going to move whatsoever on the matter of arms sales to a genocidal regime that needs to be stopped.
Zarah Sultana, currently sitting as an Independent MP and likely to remain so as she continues to hold Starmer and his rancid right wing warmongering government to account, sitting as an independent MP for daring to vote against keeping in poverty I might add, put it to Starmer there, on the anniversary of the night of October 7th, that she wants all hostages released – I liked the fact she didn’t specify the ones held by Hamas that may have survived their own government bombing their locations, because it’s never really been about saving the hostages at all, so could have also been referring to the many thousands of Palestinians held in detention by Israel itself – but she put to Starmer whether he believes that Israel’s right to self defence excuses their actions in Gaza and Lebanon, justifies the death toll in Gaza, according to figures provided by unnamed US medical professionals, but that certainly sit within official figures and those estimated by the medical journal The Lancet several months ago as well as the current death toll in Lebanon, rising daily as that also is. Sultana asked Starmer a yes or no question, perhaps unfortunate in a way as it excused him not answer the first part of question, but she asked, him – yes or no – would he now what is morally and legally right and end the governments complicity in war crimes by banning all arms sales to Israel, including F-35 jets and not just the 30 licences the UK has banned.
Would Starmer do what was morally and legally right and he simply said no.
That Starmer admits to being an amoral criminal might not come as much of a shock, but that is what he did. Now parliamentary privilege means he faces no such charges, but it should horrify anyone who watches that clip. It was arrogant, it was smug, he was delighted to give what amounted to a slap in the face not just to Sultana who asked the question, but to everyone demanding this government stop shaming this nation with it’s bought and paid for complicity in Israeli atrocity.
Starmer’s defence to such accusations, and I thought it was particularly telling that we got brays of hear hear coming from the Tory benches when Starmer said no, is always that Israel has a right to defend itself. Weapons of self defence are therefore permitted, but we don’t actually know what we’re sending generally across all the arms export licences still in place, though of course we are aware of parts for F-35 fighter jets being produced here, it’s an international project to construct these jets and amongst the bits we produce here are the bomb release cradles for these jets. How exactly is that a defensive product?
I suppose if Israel were attacked first, then a response would be appropriate, but of course that hasn’t been what has happened has it?
Starmer makes much of the anniversary of the nigh of October 7th, an incursion by Hamas which saw them take hostages, which is a war crime and should be condemned, but Israel’s actual response to that, was as investigations have shown since, to sign off on Hannibal Directives to kill their own people to stop them being taken hostage. What we saw was video footage of people fleeing the Nova music festival and being shot by Israel from helicopter gunships. What we saw were building being detonated and set on fire, Hamas being accused of doing this, but they had no means to do such damage, when they were there to take hostages, hostages taken with the intent on being exchanged for Israeli prisoners as they always get referred to, but so many held without charge they are hostages too in effect. That was the response expected from Israel. Any Israeli’s successfully taken hostage by Hamas and not killed by their own side to prevent it, such is the value placed on their lives by the Israeli regime, would be traded back for their own people, be they from Gaza or the West Bank.
Instead, Israel began a genocide. There’s no defence argument here. There never has been. It took a long time to get any real information pertaining to what exactly did happen on the night of October 7th, Israel doing its best to cover it up, the camera footage from that night all mysteriously having vanished, Israel conducting their own investigation and blocking the UN from coming in and doing an independent assessment. That, combined with the attacks that readily occurred on schools, churches, mosques and homes in Gaza at Israeli hands, rapidly saw Israel’s reputation and the sympathy globally that was felt towards them as a result of frankly decades of propaganda as we now know, evaporated.
What was Keir Starmer’s response then? I’m sure you remember this:
And functionally his tune has never changed. He mentions the attack from Iran, because goodness we have to paint Iran as the boogeyman, and sure it’s a country with issues, it’s human rights record is not good, but Iran have only ever attacked Israel directly twice in their history and both have happened this year. Once in April, following Israel striking the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital of Damascus and again this month, in response to the assassination carried out in the Iranian capital of Tehran of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh back in July. What about Iran’s right to defend itself here?
Let’s look at Lebanon too. Sure Hezbollah have been attacking Israel, but that was a response to the genocide they began in Gaza, solidarity with the Gazan people, their allies, though they’re mere proxies for Iran if you listen to our media, the propaganda spread, because even if that were true, it doesn’t change anything! Hezbollah attacked first, well, I’d remind you that Hezbollah came into being following several Israeli attempts in the past to invade Lebanon. None of this started on the night of October 7th after all, it goes back decades.
The UN literally have a peacekeeping force in Lebanon, UNIFIL, and have had since 1978 to ensure Israel and Lebanon don’t go to war and they work with the Lebanese government not the Israeli. What does that tell you? They’d be happy to work with Israel as it happens, but Israel don’t want them. It’s oversight and that is the last thing they want.
Zarah Sultana pointed out the F-35 jets, well, when you can’t rely on your own government to do the right thing, some people take matters into their own hands. Starmer’s excuse for not ending the supply of these jet parts, whereas he did with other jet parts, part’s for F-16s, was because of the international nature of their construction, that other nations making other parts needed this to continue, though it’s a nonsense, you could simply ensure none of the parts you make go to Israel and stop Israel having them in effect. Oh but those bomb cradles and radar mechanisms are needed for self defence of course. As it happens, Palestine Action might have just forced the issue. The broke into a Teledyne factory in the Wirral, Teledyne an American arms manufacturer. What Palestine Action did was cut holes in the factory roof and spray red paint inside, but the roof they cut open was to a clean room, meaning the crucial and delicate shall we put it, components within, all got contaminated. Now as far as I’m aware, it’s not been publicised what exactly was being made there, composite components is all they’ve been referred to I believe, so I can’t say that these same bits aren’t being made or can’t be made elsewhere, but the nature of the F-35 supply chain is international co-operation and everyone making different bits, so it is possible Palestine Action have literally just shut down the global manufacture of F-35s for the moment at least.
Israel is up on charges of genocide at the ICJ, it’s leaders face arrest warrants from the ICC, and all Keir Starmer can repeat is that he’s on the side of those facing charges of war crimes and that Israel’s right to defend itself apparently supercedes that same right in any other country also facing Israeli aggression. Morally and legally reprehensible and even if an actual court of law doesn’t come after Starmer for this, and frankly too many world leaders avoid the consequences of their actions, the court of public opinion will judge him accordingly. Polling today reveals if a General Election were held now, we’d actually have a hung parliament, Labour only 1% ahead of the Tories, who essentially remain leaderless for a few days longer and the contenders there are even more extremist than those who came before. Starmer is going to go down in history as one of the most hated Prime Ministers ever and for good reason.
It’s not like the US administration of Joe Biden are going to be remembered any more fondly regarding Israel either though, but where Starmer can be snide and smug towards what remains of the left of his own party, Zarah Sultana’s suspension notwithstanding, the US are currently trying to bribe Israel to not do anything more stupid with regards to Iran, literally offering them free weapons and diplomatic cover if they just tone it down. It’s pathetic, it’s weaselly, it’s par for the course as we’ve come to expect from western leaders where Israel and Netanyahu are concerned. Get the details in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks

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