Punish Yourself No Longer for Being Human - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

2 months ago

December 16 - Punish Yourself No Longer for Being Human - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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No longer judge yourself for having and expressing “negative” emotions. No longer judge yourself for being human. Negative emotions are part of the human healing and awakening process. To deny them is to not respect parts of yourself and journey. When you are not respecting your whole self and journey, you are not respecting your sacred co-creation with God. You will never find true peace of mind and joy as long as you are not respecting all of you. You cannot live an abundant, fulfilled and joyful life when you are constantly denying your sacred path and nature. No longer judge yourself as bad, not worthy or spiritual enough for having or expressing negative emotions. Why continue to follow a mindset that does not give you the peace of mind and joy you want?

Today, if you find that you are judging yourself as less than, bad, negative or not spiritual enough, consider taking the following five steps: First, remind yourself that you control your thoughts and that your thoughts should not control you. Second, remind yourself where the ego’s mindset and programs have taken you before — no where you desire to go. Third, remind yourself that every single step of your journey is a sacred co-creation with God and always serves a higher purpose. Fourth, remind yourself that you have co-created each step with God and the experience will be used, in one way or another, for good — for your growth, healing and awakening. Fifth, practice trusting the first four steps until a sense of peace, certainty and gratitude begins to reign over your heart, mind, day and life.
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