P Diddy’s Bodyguard Bloody 🩸 SODOMY Of Usher

15 hours ago


(Last year I told you that inside UN and NATO a rebellion, WAR had begun as INFIGHTING among the council, generals and leaders was silently erupting. (The ALLIANCE had fully
 ] INFILTRATED [ >UN . NATO< back in 2010 and was secretly giving DECLAS to certain heads in the programs.... Now the INFILTRATION of White HATS Inside UN have begun INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATIONS INTO OBAMA AND IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL.)

>In part of the 11,000 documents TRUMP had, the FBI main focus was to Classified documents that [EXPOSE] OBAMA to the 2015 IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL.
>The payoffs to UN COUNCIL and top ELITEs who were bribed in part of the illegal deal with IRAN
>Over 200 Billion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in U.S. tax payers money to create  SLUSH FUNDS with 400 Billion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
More in international financing funneling through UKRAINE into IRAN
>The over site/Negligence/Corruption of UN. NATO in the Obama IRAN Deal was fully documented with banking records/servers/computers and inside Agents with direct contacts to UN. NATO LEADERS and payoffs.
>}WIRES; OBAMA>IRAN COVER-UP of the death of Osama bin laden connected to the FBI RAID

BACKSTORY> IRAN/CIA gave Obama false information on the location of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. > Immediately OBAMA sent Military Special Forces to Arrests/detain/ kill Bin Laden.
      Immediately only minutes After Osama Bin Laden was killed in the operation. The special forces confirmed his death. With this President Obama held a special broadcast on almost all networks and told the American people they had killed Osama bin Laden...... But only minutes after OBAMAs speech, the military forces confirmed it was a mistake and a lookalike/stand-in for Bin Laden was the person they had killed. (that's why the fake Bin Laden lookalike was thrown over the mountain from the Helo and the false story that bin laden was buried at sea was a lie)
      OBAMA had lied to the American people and was re-elected on the lie that he was the president who brought justice for 911.... IRAN had set up Obama and his administration and dark GENERALS. >NOW IRAN HAD OBAMA in their pockets.... And the blackmailing began and hundreds of BILLIONS of U.S. $$$$$$$$ in cash was delivered to IRAN with BILLIONS more being diverted through UKRAINE banks and companies.
       This would all lead to OBAMA & THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL and world corruption who supported the illegal deal that could potentially connect to a Nuclear holocaust or near NUCLEAR Event.

TRUMP sets the stage. ( Documents in possession)
>White HATS INSIDE FBI set the Stage ( RAID)
>White HATS INSIDE UN. NATO set the Stage
(International investigation into Obama/IRAN DEAL through IAEA)

Now you understand
>Why BIDEN.DOJ was after Trump papers
On IRAN. >JANE SULLIVAN< who pieced together the deal with Obama now works for BIDEN as National Security Advisor. Sullivan's spouse is the councilor (TOP-AID ) to  ATTORNEY GENERAL Merrick Garland who ordered the FBI RAID to seize the Nuclear documents.🔥🔥🔥🔥



The Event to go down on Biden.
Everyone blames Biden.
Military Overturns the Election.
King Trump saves the day.

The King steps aside
The opposition charges the King's Position.
A Major Event Goes Down.
[FAKE] Global War Scenario Activating All Militaries WorldWide.

In Real Life.
The Police & Court System rule the land.
All Judges, Police & Lawyers must stand down WORLDWIDE. The corrupt ones arrested. The others Retrained in Constitutional 1776 Law.

Back to the Chess Board.
By activating a World War scenario
The Kings Men (Military) go from being Pawns & Bishops(Below) the Police to becoming Kings & Queens. (Above) They then Mop Up the other team

Planet Earth Liberated.
"When Q said "Do Anons Know What Is About To Be Unleashed"
This Exactly^^
All those Dog Comms


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