They Tried to Delete This! Hidden Government Weather Secrets EXPOSED!

4 months ago

Watch Within the Next 24 Hours – They Tried to Erase This from History!

This video uncovers the chilling origins of weather control technology. It all began with a project to create a weather satellite that would allow humans to manipulate the Earth’s cloud layer—ultimately enabling control of global weather patterns. And, as the saying goes, he who controls the weather, controls the world.

Project Cirrus was the first official attempt to modify a hurricane, a covert operation spearheaded by General Electric with the backing of the U.S. military. Their goal? To alter a hurricane's power by tampering with the temperature around the eyewall, using chemicals like silver iodide to seed the clouds.

On October 13th, 1947, Project Cirrus targeted a hurricane moving harmlessly out to sea. Approximately 180 pounds of dry ice were dropped into the storm. The results were terrifying: the hurricane suddenly veered off course and made a shocking landfall near Savannah, Georgia. The public blamed the government, and Irving Langmuir, who led General Electric's Atmospheric Research Department, admitted that the true aim was to learn how to weaponize the weather. Yet the government denied any involvement for over a decade.

Despite the disaster, the project continued. In 1965, under Project Stormfury, they targeted Hurricane Betsy, which abruptly changed direction and slammed into southern Florida. Although Congress blamed Stormfury, the government claimed they hadn’t yet deployed their seeding efforts. After months of hearings, the project continued.

During the Vietnam War, weather modification became a reality through Operation Popeye, which used it as a military weapon. The aftermath was so alarming that in 1978, an international treaty was signed to prohibit the military use of weather modification technology.

This is a glimpse into the shadowy history of weather control. Who knows how much further it’s gone since then?

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