The Blessing that is Your Whole Journey - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

1 month ago

December 10 - The Blessing that is Your Whole Journey - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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Today, if the ego tries to have you judge your journey, politely decline. Recall that all of your experiences have combined together to make you into a more compassionate and self-aware person. All of the wisdom, knowledge and life lessons that you have are because of your past. Now, when the ego tries to put you or others down for the past, recall the true gift the past was to you. It is because of your past that you have the coping tools that you have today. Right now, you are at your personal highest level of consciousness, thanks to everything you have experienced. Thus, allow gratitude and hope, not guilt and shame, to become your attitude toward yourself and journey. The more you understand the sacred nature of your past, the more compassionate and understanding you will be toward the way you have chosen to grow.

Today, if you feel any sense of sorrow, self-judgment, doubt or self-loathing, stop and remember that God, being Love and All, uses all of your experiences for good. Each step of your journey is designed by the Divine to help you grow, heal and awaken. What further tears would you cry or condemnations of self and others would you make when you recall the true nature of all things? My dear friend, you and your whole journey, being a creation of Perfection, are a blessing to this world. Today, look deeply into the mirror and truly behold and learn to appreciate yourself as God’s creation. Then, remember to look upon all of God’s Creations in this same fashion. Do so until each person’s journey is seen by the divine truth in you. Do so until you see each person’s journeys through God’s eyes — with love and non-judgment.
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