Shane Cuthbert wants to be like Adolf Hitler

5 months ago

In this recording, Shane Cuthbert brags about his plans to manipulate the Queensland Parliament, to show them he’s boss and to exploit vulnerable yet politically influential people like Rob Pyne and Pat O’Shane into taking over Queensland to become like Adolf Hitler. He also says that he told influential barrister Debbie Kilroy about what he did to his ex wife Berenger Rose, and apparently Kilroy laughed and thought it was funny:

“How do I now control the Parliament or manipulate the Parliament or blackmail the Parliament into letting me get my way? (laughs)”

“I want to manipulate everything and I want to have like, the QLD Major Organized Crime Squad giving me info. I want to be able to call them up and be like, "Oh hey, these bikies want to fucken come and fuck me up, so can you guys send your squad out?" Then I also want to be a part of the bikies because I can be like, "Hey, there's this guy that's giving me a bit of grief. Can you just go and kneecap him?" And then I'm like, I want to have the ministers of parliament be like, "Oh yeah, look, can you just change this law for me or do this? Like...I just want to have like my finger in everyone's pies so that I become the ultimate controller of Queensland at this point. And then when that happens, I'll go on to Australia and then the world. And then it'll be just "Shane Cuthbert. Wow, he just knows everybody, everything. He's got everyone fooled and manipulated." (laughs)”

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