Honoring Your Life Path - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

November 22 - Honoring Your Life Path - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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You have come here to grow; every thought, word, action, reaction, and interaction, regardless of how the ego has programmed us to see it, is a moment of growth. You have come here to grow, if you are doing what you came here to do (grow), then you are succeeding, and a success. Only the sleeping mind judges you or others journeys as anything other than a success. Today, whatever your or others expressions of growth looks like, let us awaken and together honor and respect it. When we start respecting others journeys, because we are all One, we will unconsciously start respecting and having more confidence in our own path. The more of the “You/others” that you support, the more supported you will feel. The more you see and understand that your awaken-self, the truth in you, would never judge someone else’s journey, the more you will see and understand that when you are judging your own journey, it is not the truth in you doing so.
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