The Five Love Languages, A Multi-Part Series..... Here, Chapters 1-3

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The Five Love Languages, A Multi-Part Series..... Here, Chapters 1-3 Discussing a few things before getting into The Five Love Languages.

To Understand My Position on These Issues you really have to go back and Look at the Biblical Position of What Love Really is.... That is explained in the first Video.

In This Video, we take a look at Chapters 1-3 in The Book, The Five Love Languages written by Dr. Gary Chapman.

In Marriage and in other relationships, Love is the at the Core, and yet is often allusive, fleeting, non=existent, misunderstood, or abused.

We all want it and need it. We should all understand it.

In this series we are going to delve into the realities of Biblical Relationships, primarily between a husband and wife, whether the five love languages is a help or hinderance, or both, and the Biblical understanding of love and the marital relationship to maximize union, unity and harmony.

I am approaching this topic from Biblical Studies and Experiences, just as Dr. Gary Chapman has in writing his book.

This may just save your marriage. It may not. It may give you points of disagreeing with me, and that is ok, because at the very least, it should give you points to dig into Biblical Study and understanding for yourself, and not just swallow what others write, including myself.

My prayer is that this study will enlighten you, uplift you, encourage you, and help you strengthen your relationships in life.

Lets get to it.

Sincerely Tim



I have a huge prayer request of urgency!!!!


Please pray for Craig!

His motorcycle accident was July 31, 2022

In February 2013, as result of a car accident, he has over 60 pins in his face due to 16 broken bones in his face. His body has been through so much in 10 years. He is 35 years old.

Update on Craig: his disability was denied.
Having right arm amputated (dominate arm), 2 traumatic brain injuries, past brain bleed, depression, insomnia, catastrophic brachial plexus damage, daily severe pain and not qualified for a prosthetic arm due to severe shoulder damage was not reason enough for disability.
Prayers appreciated.
Will be searching for a lawyer. Prayers appreciated.


1. Please pray... without ceasing..... keep Craig in your heart, as this has been on going as told here......

2. Please ask your friends, families and churches to pray for Craig.


Also Please Pray For Randall, a childhood friend. He has been fighting Cancer and all of the complications that come with that fight.
Thank you all!

Thank you!


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