Episode 2563: Actions Speak Louder Than Words - Nightly Episode

3 months ago

We’re exploring a powerful truth in the Christian life—how our actions, more than anything else, can preach the Gospel to those around us. St. Francis of Assisi, a saint known for his radical simplicity and holiness, once said, “The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.” This wisdom challenges us to reflect on how we live our daily lives as Catholics, recognizing that our actions have the potential to touch hearts and lead others to Christ.

In our modern world, many people have turned away from organized religion, often because they feel alienated or disconnected. Yet, our silent witness—through charity, humility, and faithfulness—can be a powerful means of evangelization. Today, we will also reflect on how saints like St. Teresa of Calcutta modeled this by their very lives, and how her deep hunger for God in the Eucharist radiated through her acts of service and love for the poorest of the poor.

Main Reflection:

St. Francis’ words remind us that not everyone will hear the Gospel preached in a church, but everyone will encounter people throughout the day—at work, in the grocery store, in traffic, or in the home. Each encounter offers an opportunity for us to live the Gospel and preach without words.

St. Teresa of Calcutta, or Mother Teresa as she is widely known, lived this truth daily. Paul Murray, in his reflections on her, wrote, “The humble manner in which Mother Teresa assisted at Mass every day betrayed -- it often seemed to me -- almost a desperate need to be fed by the Bread of Life.” Her reverence and deep hunger for the Eucharist didn’t just end at the altar; it carried over into every aspect of her life, particularly in her service to the poor.

It’s remarkable to think that someone so devoted to the corporal works of mercy—feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and sheltering the homeless—saw herself as utterly dependent on the Eucharist. In her life, we see the truth that the strength to do good, to love others selflessly, comes not from human effort but from Christ Himself, especially through the Eucharist.

This brings us back to St. Francis’ idea that “the deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.” In a world where people are often too busy or too wounded to listen to religious messages, they will pay attention to how we act. A simple act of kindness or a moment of patience in difficulty may be the spark that opens someone's heart to God. In this way, we embody the Gospel, showing Christ to others in the same way that Mother Teresa’s life was a living sermon to the world.

In reflecting on this, we must ask ourselves: How do we live out the Gospel in our daily lives? Are our actions leading others to Christ, or are they turning people away from Him?

One key way to ensure that our actions reflect the Gospel is to root our lives in the Eucharist, just as Mother Teresa did. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life, and when we receive Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, we are strengthened to love as He loves. By remaining in union with Him through prayer and the sacraments, we can better radiate His love to those around us.

Practical Application:

Begin Each Day in Prayer:
Start each morning by offering your day to God, asking Him to guide your actions so that they reflect His love. This simple act of surrender will help keep your heart and mind focused on serving Him throughout the day.

Practice Silent Evangelization:
Look for opportunities to serve others without expecting recognition. Whether it’s helping a co-worker, comforting a friend, or showing patience in a stressful situation, allow your actions to preach the Gospel.

Receive the Eucharist Regularly:
Like Mother Teresa, make the Eucharist the center of your life. If possible, attend daily Mass and spend time in adoration. This will nourish your soul and give you the strength to love and serve others selflessly.

Embrace Humility:
Humility is key to living out the Gospel. As St. Francis said, we should serve others without seeking to be over them. Whether in small, unnoticed tasks or large responsibilities, perform everything with a spirit of humility, recognizing that it is Christ working through you.


As we close today’s episode, let’s remember that our lives are the first Gospel others will encounter. St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa both teach us that it’s not in grand speeches or theological debates that most people come to know Christ, but in simple, loving actions.

In a world where people are often isolated and in need of love, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. Every smile, every sacrifice, every moment of compassion can be a beacon of God’s love to a world that desperately needs it.

Let’s follow the example of St. Francis and Mother Teresa by grounding ourselves in the Eucharist, humbling ourselves in service, and letting our deeds be a living sermon for others to see.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the examples of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Teresa of Calcutta, who lived their lives as witnesses of Your love and mercy. Help us to do the same. Give us the grace to begin with small acts of charity, trusting that You will use them to bring others closer to You. May we always hunger for the Bread of Life, and may the Eucharist strengthen us to live out the Gospel in word and deed.

Help us to serve others with humility, knowing that in serving them, we are serving You. Teach us to be patient, kind, and loving, even when it is difficult, and let our actions be a reflection of Your infinite love. Guide us in our daily lives so that we may lead others to You through the way we live.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Thank you for joining us today. May God bless you as you go out to live the Gospel in your daily life.

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