I've Seen This Operation Before...But In Cuba | Francisco Rivero, Retired Sheriff

4 months ago

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Retired sheriff Francisco Rivero draws alarming parallels between the current chaos in the United States and the tumult he witnessed in Cuba. He likens today’s mass illegal immigration to a “boatlift on steroids,” reminiscent of the Mariel boatlift that flooded Miami with criminals disguised as refugees, suggesting that the elite’s negligence is creating a similar environment of instability. Rivero expresses deep concern over the erosion of American values and the neglect of veterans and citizens in favor of supporting illegal immigrants, highlighting a societal breakdown where the most vulnerable are left to suffer. He argues that the elite and entrenched bureaucrats have abandoned their responsibilities, allowing criminal elements to thrive while turning a blind eye to the suffering of those who built the country. Ultimately, Rivero's reflections underscore a crisis of identity and morality, warning that the chaos he observes today threatens the very fabric of American society.

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