20240221 155108 Tux Pre-Neutering Arrival

2 months ago

Soon after arriving at my place for our one-derful day together before going off to get neutered, and then to where ever life takes him next. He was perfect, as always, over the four months that I've been feeding him nearly every day on his own turf.

It's horribly sad to think that this may be the last day that I'll get to spend any more precious moments with him after he gets returned after neutering.

EDIT: This day with him was a milestone in our relationship, and I had no idea at the time all that would come afterwards. He was very calm, if perhaps a bit scared, being in an entirely foreign place (indoors to boot), although he'd almost certainly been used to sleeping in a tent, although not alone and definitely nowhere this (relatively) peaceful. Having lived in a dense homeless encampment for probably most of his life probably made this type of containment less weird than any other typical homeless cat would have experienced.

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