Big Pharma Business Model Explained by Dr Aseem Malhotra

1 day ago

Statistics are misused in order to promote the idea of being diseased, which was seen in an extreme way during the covid era. However, it is being expanded across the Big Pharma business model, with single markers being promoted as proof of disease risk or proof of drug efficacy. An example is the reduction in what is considered a "safe" cholesterol level in order to expand the number of people recommended to take statin drugs. Another is the detection of antibodies in the blood being promoted as proof of vaccine-induced immunity when in fact, if those antibodies are IgG4 then it proves the exact opposite (the concept of "good" and "bad" antibodies which scientists warned us about from the start. IgG4 is a tolerising antibody which actually assists infection, rather than protecting against it).

Dr Aseem Malhotra, cardiologist, explains some of the corrupted business model in use by Big Pharma today, in this interview with Neil Oliver. He recently produced the documentary First! Do No Pharm, exposing the corruption taking place upon humanity in the name of driving profits. Human health is at serious risk until this can be stopped.


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