How To Handle Being Charged With No Victim

7 hours ago

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of this land.
But do you know how to have the civil servants recognize IT, and your rights?

You see complaining about it all day long here.

A system was created over 100 years ago that commercialized the living man.

The school system was taken over and removed information & education so you don't know this.

Everyone assumes their rights exist in an encounter with a police officer and then the court system.

They do and they don't.

Here's why...

Your rights are INALIENABLE.
They cannot be taken.

You can't even waive them without full disclosure of the terms that you wish to waive them.


Cruden v Neale - Govt Requires Your Consent To Do Business With You

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo - American People Are Sovereign

I could go on all day with SCOTUS.

These courts are private for profit administrative AGENCIES acting and pretending to be government.

So when you don't know how to squash their accusations at the inception, you have entered into a contract with them by NOT EXPRESSING THAT YOU DO NOT WISH TO CONTRACT and challenging jurisdiction.

You are income to them and nothing more.

I have a 100% success rate by challenging jurisdiction.

The gentleman in the clip was dragged into a contract with them over 2 years ago by not knowing how to handle this.

Then he found us.

And he learned how he was being railroaded because there was no living wo/man who signed an affidavit under penalty of perjury that swore to the accusation against him.

So for two years he has been run through the system and each time they downgrade the charges and FEES trying to get him to give in to the contract.

If the prosecutor does not submit his AFFIDAVIT DEMANDS into the case, they are guilty of a Brady violation.

1963 U.S. Supreme Court case, Brady v. Maryland.

Never assume the prosecutor is playing by the rules.

1. Always challenge jurisdiction first.
2. If there is no living wo/man claiming you harmed them, there is no corpus delicti / injured party.
3. The state can't ever be the victim as the state is a corporation.
4. Without all of the above, you simply entered a contract to be railroaded.

Do you want to be naive and railroaded or do you want to know how to exercise your rights?

Listen to the video.

We do not represent people.

We teach you how to exercise your rights under the common law.

The common law is being brought back and to the front via the Supreme Court rulings of the Chevron Deference and the Jarkesy cases from summer of 2024.

This is very real.
This will put the system out of business.

The entire American legal system is REPUGNANT to the Constitution but people don't know they are consenting to be governed by it every day.

You knowing how to do this puts the BAR card agents of the state attorneys out of business.

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