Keir Starmer A Message From Spirit

3 months ago

A message delivered regards UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer who has been in power for just over 100 tumultuous days.
This includes messages received before the return of British territory without seeking Parliaments approval or any discussion.
A Parliamentary vote will now take place but this isn't about the islands per se - but some one who William T Stead (Channelled in this video) calls 'above the law' - or so he thinks.
How do we operate as citizens when no voice on national matters is present?
With messages too from Margaret Thatcher about threat of future capitulation on other overseas owned UK land - Falklands in particular - for her 'it is personal', and she is furious.
There is a surprising twist in this video when I ask what are his motives and WHY has he taken these actions now.

To be clear Diego Garcia is the largest of the Chagos islands and will remain under USA military control - it is also near to where missing Malaysia Flight MH370 disappeared and some speculate could have landed ( I have not read on this part yet - just giving context).

At heart this potential scandal, in addition to another (not able to be covered due to a super injunction) - raises questions on the moral fibre we expect of our leaders and who they truly answer to and why.,..
I pray that as a country, we are led in authenticity, integrity and with a passion for the people served - and that any skull duggery is bought to light.
If we are starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel regards what really goes on behind the scenes, I would like to think we are close to better days - after what needs to be disclosed comes to light.
A footnote that the cards on 'running away' and 'friend' may have reference to Sue Gray his Downing Street Chief of Staff who unexpectedly resigned within hours of me making this video on Sunday 6th October.
I would suggest watching the period between now and November 5th for further 'fireworks'
To Keir whose soul contract is running as planned I say thank you - dark to light - light always wins, but it takes ALL players present to see it.
@amandaellis #UKpredictions
#UKtarot #Keirstarmerpsychicreading

Cards used:
Whispers of the Unsolved oracle deck by Ashley Kester @thereckoningco
Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
Runes - Ralph Blum

Aura Healing & Connection Sprays:
Suggested Archangel Metatron Spiritual Protection and Archangel Michael Safety & Communication
All hand made by my team at

Oracle Decks: Whispers of the Unsolved @thereckoningco , Tarot of the Dragons Shawn Mackenzie, Christ Consciousness Deck Amanda Ellis,
Book of Runes Ralph H Blum

Rockwell Someone's Watching Me

To donate (thank you)

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Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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