Single Biggest Threat to Man KIND?

4 months ago

Greeting of the Day, Defenders of Old Fogeys!

Shortly before sweeping pandemic closures, at Arlington National Cemetery for the Easter Sunrise Service, we had what many old-school Black preachers say they would never permit in their pulpit: a singing preacher, on fear that he might steal the church from under their feet, divine calling and selfless devotion notwithstanding. They rotate folks in the job my dad blew off upon interview for pre-selection, in my first visit to the nation's capital, when I joined my Father, which art now surely in Heaven, on a walk down 16th Street from the Regis Hotel to see a rather intriguing fellow with a crew cut to discuss an invitation to work at the White House as Chaplain. The Colonel knew he had to report to his Commander in Chief, and had sufficient situational awareness that bringing Mother, who detested Nixon more than the Devil, would not make for a good meeting, and so I got drafted at an early age. However, the point of this vignette was that the singing preacher, and Chief Chaplain for one of our uniformed military services began, before churches and clergy had declared themselves quite nonessential, by singing, "The best part of waking up", and had replaced Folgers with Jesus. So, let's copy and replace "Fogeys."

Washington life would find me center stage again, albeit not, of course, by any divine intervention, unless someone upstairs loves porn, if you believe the papers. There I was, no crap, bigger than life, with an apartment just up the street from the President, in case the balloon went up, and could arrive before our commander on Fort Meade, if only to get the coffee brewing, and we had this movie, with an ensemble cast, including one Oscar winner who shares my birthday, and formerly a mention in Politico to celebrate the same. However the first of many scratch my head moments, working as a biological warfare planner, in other duties as assigned, was the opening line: “The single biggest threat to man’s continued dominance on the planet is the virus", clearly lifted from some unattributed context, and some have added to this a quote from the youngest Nobel Laureate the statement: "We could do little better than to sit back and wait for the avalanche". Define threat and define avalanche, was my thought. Are we talking about the avalanche where the dude runs into the part of the ski resort that has "Do Not Make Big Bang Noises" all over the place? One would think that scientists know that viruses are the most abundant biological particles in the world, and before this novel virus that took quite a toll on the Defenders of Old Fogeys Constituency, we had only a total of 219 harmful to mankind, which is not a lot, and between 2003 and 2005, with SARS, five more arrived, all connected to Yunnan, the location of a lab we never discuss even amongst "pandemic hoax" conspiracy theorists, and today joining OC229E, these human coronaviruses constitute 30% of our common cold, a $40 billion industry. Who knew what happened after you sneeze, and some polite person says, "God bless you," in the pharmaceutical industry, right? Coincidental correlation or causation? Who knows? Does Jesus care?

We had a recent survey that had sought the opinions of over 1,300 epidemiologists and vaccinologists, biosafety experts and even evolutionary biologists, that had made some press back in February, and what was most interesting was the fact that despite the invitation, most rejected the opportunity to participate to provide their "brackets" on the question of the virus origins. The news article says they refused because they, perhaps like Galileo, shown the instruments at the Inquisition, understood the science of retaliation, and did not have a God in Heaven they believed would protect them, like Khalid Mohammed, waterboarded 83 times in a month, and at the end ask for a glass of water, because he felt parched. Okay, maybe he just understood the science, but quite remarkable resolve and discipline, you have to say. And about a quarter of those who did participate had claimed, based upon their expertise and experience, they'd say the probability of a natural spillover was at least 90%, but without saying exactly why, providing the findings of fact to endorse this conclusion, which usually we require. You'd be surprised how many people miss that on the test, but even Thomas was like, you may say you are Jesus, but I need a little more evidence. Thomas wasn't born yesterday, obviously and probably met a few hucksters even in his day.

Are there hucksters and charlatans outside the "faith healing" community? I happened to have the opportunity to work with law firms involved with a rather notorious character in the City of Brotherly Love. Now, like 86% of kids in our second best public schools in Virginia, even hailing from the second most educated municipality in the nation, can't get into Kamala's alma mater, David Tremoglie couldn't even get into EVMS, the medical school of last resort for Virginia pre meds, and apparently quite the party school, according to Doc Northam, before heading off to the place of the infamous Ranger invasion: Grenada. Well, not even a Spectre Gunship flying low was sufficient to help Tremoglie, and he was not qualified or prepared even to study medicine there. However, you have to admire his determination, and ability to meet evolutionary pressure, improvise, adapt and overcome, developing a reasonably calculated plan to still be a doctor, finding someone to provide him a license number to prescribe drugs and become a psychiatrist. If any of his patients complained, he could say, you're crazy and why I'm your doctor. Brilliant. Until one day he had the wrong patient: Harold Katlin. Katlin even got on 20/20 with Barbara Walters, while vexing denials and shifting blame continued in courts for a decade. Due: no harm?

And so, like we asked the Veterans Administration, charged with taking care of those very spines of America how they didn't notice their lockdown policy wasn't working before 12,000 in patient residents had already died, is there anyone at our Defenders of Old Fogeys lobbying groups who didn't get the memo about the most vulnerable population against the novel virus? Did you read the 40-page report by the WHO, published in February 2020 that said that there were guidelines to protect them? I asked the City of Alexandria about that in March 2020, and now they have half the My Lai Massacre, primarily Old Fogeys, just as in the first year of pandemic your constituents, definitely not mine, enjoyed a position as over 90% of the fatalities in the Garden State and tropic paradise Hawaii.

If we assume this was a natural phenomenon, we can just blame God, and our faith community appears to be AOK with that. Not my damn problem. However, if as some believe, this virus had you know, escaped from a lab, why would someone be playing with a virus they had to know, if they were scientists, would be a problem for your constituents? Does DoD have an OPLAN contingency where septuagenarians are gonna rise up, scream, I'm mad as Hell and am not gonna take it any more, and launch an insurrection? By design, or by deployment, which would certainly be a plausible consideration with this less than five percent secondary attack rate, presenting primarily in discrete, clustered outbreaks, we cannot deny that if this was a biological weapon, it was not designed to kill the able-bodied and ready soldier population, unless the plan was to wait for them to get old, besieging Troy. Or maybe we didn't learn about this problem, like the O Rings, until it was too late. I say, let's find that Beltway Bandit and get our taxpayer dollars back. Do we have government contractors who run their shop like the funeral home in Death at a Funeral? This is not my father? This isn't Burger King in national security. You can't mess up our order. It is like a law.

So, get your policy analysts to work up some position papers on this scenario. I have already tasked the DNI and DoD and the White House to determine if they have any documentation on classifying standard epidemiological metrics on this virus, like infectious dose and secondary attack rate, which, even after claiming more lives than Hitler in the Holocaust, remain as unknown as the proximal origin. Does that sound suspect even to the kids who apparently can't read a book even after getting accepted to Harvard? (God help that poor Devil not smart enough to even get that far.)

So, let's say 90 days, like we did with the IC back in March 2021, to come back with a report on "all the intelligence" you have. We all recall the Parable of the Ten Talent, distributed in accordance with their several ability, with no big surprises at the end, right?

And, on that Hell, Fire and Damnation note, Chaplains, can ya break away from ministering to the sick and shut-in once again to close us all out in prayer?

Major Mike Webb
You can't save the world if you are NEVER born!

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