5 months ago

⚠️ You have ALL heard the chessboard analogy.

Given recent events It’s time for everyone to watch it AGAIN.

If you don’t understand Chess, research how checkmate works. It is critically important to understand this analogy and how it relates to everything we are living through now.

“White Hats in control” has NEVER meant that EVERYTHING in the world or in a WAR is completely controlled by one side. It has never meant that nothing bad would happen. If that were the case, the war, by definition, would be over.

Is a football team that’s up 98-0 with 5 seconds in the game “in control”?

👉 Yes

Is it possible for the losing team score 99 points in 5 seconds and win?

👉 No

Can the losing team still hurt one or more of the winning team’s players in that last 5 seconds of the game?

👉 Yes

Can the last 5 seconds of the game be eliminated to prevent the losing team from doing anything bad?

👉 No. it must be played out.

It is unfortunate that some have inaccurately portrayed “White Hat Control inaccurately and equally unfortunate that many have misunderstood it.

But Q and those who properly understand Q, have always portrayed it exactly as this video does.

Critical thinking over emotion is what will get everyone through these trying times.

We were warned about the ending. We cannot now be surprised when more difficulties are presented.

God wins.


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