JUAN O SAVIN- International FRAUD, the PEOPLES RESPONSE- Spaceshot76 10 7 2024

4 months ago

PART THREE This changes gears and the sound is low first 10 min. These are the threats that loom and the way we should consider our lives during this time.
Full show with Spaceshot76 here: https://rumble.com/v5hrqdm-spaceshot76-with-juan-o-savin.html
71 Countries around the World were subjected to CORRUPT ELECTIONS.
Arizona is controlled by people fraudulently "installed". We now must think of this as one of the most important things we ever have met in our lives. This is about the VOTE.. as Elon said here: https://rumble.com/v5hq011-elon-musk-butler-pa-presentation-with-president-trump-10-5-2024.html
TEXT PEOPLE to REGISTER TO VOTE and MAKE SURE THEY VOTE. If we don't win with TRUMP 2024 IT WILL BE OUR LAST ELECTION. https://swampthevoteusa.com/
When this comes together it will be a final verdict.
Juan is headed to NC to help with logistics. This is going to take many weeks months and years. What a sad story. PRAY for this situation and how many people will be effected by homelessness and much of what they owned is gone forever. And the lives lost. Another is due in on Wednesday after the horror of Helene in the South... Milton will be cutting across Florida.
This is something NONE OF US have ever even imagined. Hang in Frens this is very tough. Do what you can do to help people locally.
Juan goes into the work of the Q operation. We were a very important group of Anons and helped each other and applied what we were finding out. It is about WINNING THIS WAR OF INFORMATION.
Believe that this is a PROCESS you get trained then you go out and TRAIN others. NEVER GIVE UP. The Military must step in.. it has to be the WILL of the PEOPLE.
Loy got retruthed by President Trump during the last push for the SCOTUS suit. And this time it needs to be 10x 100,000 that were the total last time. LOYBRUNSON.COM
The next Six months will be epic. Just know GOD CHOSE YOU TO BE HERE. And PRAY.

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