DOING THE SUMS: Why the major political parties need to know where shooters live

14 hours ago

THE LABOR AND LIBERAL PARTIES could be missing out in votes in key seats they are fighting for by not realising where shooters live.

The release of maps by WA Police Minister, Paul Papalia, in 2022, may have had the unintended impact of showing that the numbers of shooters living in metropolitan areas may be a lot higher than most people – shooters included – might think.

The maps show that the highest concentrations of shooters are actually in the areas closest to Perth, not in country areas.

These are seats typically contested between Labor, Liberals and the Greens, who might otherwise think that shooters only live in regional areas, which is why they need to take a harder look at where they actually live.

We’ve written to the major parties in all states, other than Qld and the two territories, to point this out to them.

This is just an EXTRACT from that interview / podcast.

Hear the FULL interview / podcast at:

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