"GUN NUTS": Why this seasoned journalist needs to recalibrate herself

3 months ago

SUSIE O’BRIEN is a journalist for the Herald Sun. She recently wrote an opinion piece following the stabbings at Bondi Junction, casting a wide net over shooters describing them as gun nuts.

She recycles the same arguments as anti-gun control groups that guns kill people and we don’t need more guns in our community.

Yet you won’t find any experience or qualifications among those critics: not even a relevant firearms licence, which tells you something about how seriously their views should be taken.

We’ve written an open letter to Susie to try and explain why we think she’s wrong – and needs to help change the way she talks about the shooting community.

Hear the full interview at: https://politicsreloaded.podbean.com/e/gun-nuts-why-this-seasoned-journalist-needs-to-recalibrate-herself/

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