Is Democracy For Sale?

3 months ago

The United Australia Party is calling for an urgent Victorian Electoral Commission investigation into the actions of so-called ‘preference whisperer’ Mr. Glenn Druery.

It has come out publicly what Glenn Druery is doing, that is, being paid by parties to favourably preference them in the upper house and setting up what are in effect sham parties designed to funnel preferences to what he describes as his 'family' aka the parties that pay him to help them win seats and take votes away from conservative parties such as The United Australia Party.

The fact that a person can profit from wheeling and dealing with political parties at an election, effectively manipulating the intention of Victorian voters, should be outlawed.

I want to make it clear that the United Australia Party is not a client of Glenn Druery.

Trying to game the electoral system for cash in my personal view could potentially be viewed as corruption. To do it as has been alledged for the benefit of Labor and their cohorts in my view is even worse. I am not suggesting that Mr Druery broke the law however a full investigation should be carried out to give the Victorian voter full transparency in this matter.

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