Chemtrails-Contrails-Trolls-Solar Geoengineering-Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

1 day ago

Filmed, September 27th, 2024 in Massachusetts.

Take a look at these chemtrails.

We call them for what they are, a chemical trail behind a plane.

Conspiracy Debunkers are so desperate to troll, that they now will say the trails seen in this video, are CONTRAILS…while denying any nefarious acts being conducted by unelected, elected, and covert bureaucrats.

These trolls are the true agents of “disinformation”.

Brainwashed and manipulated by the propaganda machine to label anyone a conspiracy theorist kook, who doesn't think these hideous trails are contrails.

The irony here, is when you confront these trolls and ask them, “why do these trails not dissipate, and spread out and eventually form with other trails to create a blanket in the sky blocking out the sun?”...they have no response….because they have no answer…because they know deep down that true contrails do not do this.

So who are these people? Paid shills by the propaganda machine, perhaps?

The inability for some to think critically, use common sense, and form their own conclusions….baffles us.

Chemtrails are what the science community and mainstream media would call stratospheric aerosol injection, which is a form of solar geoengineering.

Who is funding these programs as well as the dispersing of chemical clouds into the atmosphere to fight “climate change”?

You guessed it, Harvard Dropout, Billy Boy Gates.

Join the ICBAJ Revolution and learn more about these crimes in our podcast on the negative effects of weather modification, and let's blast off.

Podcast Episode on the Negative Effects of Weather Modification 👉

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