Throw back to my first ever speech in January 2022!

4 months ago

My name is Ralph Babet and I am honoured to be the lead Senate candidate for the United Australia Party in the great state of Victoria at this years federal election.

For too long we have sat back and watched as Liberal, Labor and their buddies the Greens have destroyed this great country.

Labor and Liberal, you know what they? They are two wings on the same bird. They fight all day like cats and dogs about issues which are largely insignificant. But will always agree when it comes time to doing that which will damage our country and damage the people. To that we say ENOUGH. To that we say NO MORE. We cannot stand by while our future and our children’s future is destroyed by people who just don’t seem to care about us.

Members of the United Australia Party come from all walks of life, young, old, rich, poor, white, black, brown, purple, orange everyone. It doesn't matter. We are all Australians and from whatever land we come, we must speak with one voice to save our country. United in one belief. And that belief. That belief is FREEDOM and a fair go for all.

Thank you to everyone who attended my first speech. It is the first of many thousands to come. I will see you on the campaign trail. Together we will make a difference.

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