Brian Stelter Explains Why Kamala Harris Is in For A Tough, Challenging Grilling On 'The View'

5 months ago

Posted • October 7, 2024: It's become apparent that the Harris campaign's original strategy of running out the clock while keeping their candidates from doing anything but scripted speeches isn't doing the trick, so the Dem nominee will be doing more interviews ("interviews" can be loosely defined). This is what counts as a "media blitz" for Harris: The Hill @thehill: “Kamala Harris to sit down with The View, Colbert and Howard Stern in media blitz.” Three chats with people who are basically Democrat activists is not exactly a "blitz." But, in fairness, Harris also did an interview with "60 Minutes" and judging from the clips it'll be the last time they let her do something like that.

However, the usual suspects in the media can be counted on to try and convince everybody that Harris going on shows like "The View" count as challenging interviews. CNN's Brian Stelter did his usual thing on that front today: CNN’s Brian Stelter defends Harris’s media schedule: “She‘s also on ‘The View’ tomorrow. I was talking to producers of ‘The View’ last night. They have some sharp questions for her as well.” -- Thanks, Brian, we needed a good laugh! We can't wait to see what his definition of a "sharp question" for Harris is. There's always a chance somebody on the panel will ask a semi-challenging question but we wouldn't hold our breath. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Brian Stelter Explains Why Kamala Harris Is in for a Tough, Challenging Grilling on 'The View'

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