Wednesday Evening Bible Study Jeremiah 25 10-9-2024

4 months ago

In the first half of Jeremiah chapter 25, Jeremiah prophesies that Judah will be in captivity in Babylon for seventy years.
We look at Scriptures in Leviticus 25 and 26 that give the conditions of the Mosaic Covenant that determined the length of them being out of their land for seventy years.
We also look at Daniel chapter 9 to see that Daniel read Jeremiah's work and understood the captivity was about to end. He then offered a beautiful prayer on behalf of his Jewish people seeking God's mercy and restoration. He also included himself with the sinful people of Judah even though we never read of Daniel's sins in Scripture.
We also look at Daniel's 70-Week Prophecy since it deals with the Times of the Gentiles, which basically started with the Babylonian captivity that Jeremiah has been warning about.
Then we see that Jeremiah also said there would be a time of restoration and the people being brought back to their land.
The Scriptures we cover are:
Jeremiah 25:1-14
Leviticus 25:1-22
Leviticus 26:32-35
Daniel 9:1-27

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