Former CIA Director Admits Spending $10 Billion a Year to Modify the Weather

4 months ago

How’s it all working out?
Probably just as they planned. Evil f*ckers.
They call it “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.” That’s just part of it though, they use the high frequency HAARP from ships in the Ocean, they can steer these hurricanes.
They could steer Hurricane Milton away from Florida but they are going to to allow it to devastate half the state.
They say it’s for Global Warming which is bullsh*t. 100% bs.
They know that this is what happens before a major cooling which will occur on the planet in about 15 years. All lies.
They are doing this to manipulate the weather in the plan to destroy America – along with more plandemics, thrown in some cyber attacks, some black outs, anything to destroy the food, poisoning the food & water and all that with mainstream illusion propaganda machine telling us that our eyes deceive us and listen to them.
This was former CIA director John Brennan and former Obama Counter Terrorism Advisor – which likely means how to create terror events.
They used this cloud seeding in Vietnam, they could use this in extreme drought areas, but no, they have to use it in destructive ways.

$10 Billion a Year and $750 loan for the victims of North Carolina and $66 BILLION for Illegal Immigrants in 2023 alone.

Tax Money well spent American Government.

But, no worries, there can’t be an Agenda to destroy America from within.

Source: The Climate Hoax --


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