The "Empress has no clothes", but she's quite a "tool"

5 days ago

We cant handle a two front war. Admirals and Generals who want to train "fighters" claim we are not ready for a war. China ready to blockade Taiwan anytime....(80% of our computer chips}. They can stop traffic in South China Sea and are harassing PI and Vietnamese ships and military (Vietnam hates China and would make a possible ally. KAMALA now talking more and making less sense. Myorkis should be impeached for stealing FEMA money for illegals. Secret Service hates Trump except for his detail. Many dying and sick and starving in the wake of hurricanes and nobody in DC cares because they are dying in Republican areas! Elon....a good efficiency expert start would be eliminating the SES (Senior Exec Service) positions. They are paid same as Admirals and Generals. My fellow Navy efficiency experts tried to do that in 1985 with two major Wash DC commands (clean out Crystal City in Fairfax?). That prompted our demise as an efficiency study so be careful. I'd personally go as far as GS15 and above in metro DC. Most really don't have much to do anyway except hold endless meetings. PS the Empress has no clothes....what a "tool"! With that i say God bless you, God bless America...Vote...Vote i remain your humble servant.

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