This World is a Reflection of the Thoughts We Think - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

November 20 - This World is a Reflection of the Thoughts We Think - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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We are all One, and thus you will see reflecting from others the beliefs you hold about yourself. And so today we work on reshaping our inner environment so that the outer environment can be a reflection of our conscious efforts. Today let us slow down our thinking long enough to truly see how every thought we think helps build the world we experience. Let us today in every interaction silently offer our sisters and brothers gratitude for volunteering to reflect our internal condition. We acknowledge to ourselves that they are in our life to help us create a more peaceful and joyful place within our heart and minds. Today we slow down time by making, before every interaction, a concerted effort to refocus our minds on compassion, forgiveness, peace, and joy. Today we remember that the world we see is simply a reflection of the thoughts we think.
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