The End of War Begins Within Us - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

November 18 - The End of War Begins Within Us - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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The fact that we think we are separate from our neighbor is the reason war is possible. The ego teaches us to see them as separate, and thus disconnected from us. For if we are disconnected, then what we do to them, cannot affect us. Yet how many times have you condemned a brother without encountering the lingering stench of guilt at every turn? How many times have you convicted them as guilty and found yourself behind the exact same prison walls within your mind? How many times have we attack another in any form and have not felt the burdensome consequences of our actions? And so today we set the ego’s programming aside, and instead focus on acknowledging our sameness, our Oneness, that spiritual DNA that connects us all. The end of war begins with this one acknowledgment: that what we do to our brothers and sisters, we are doing to ourselves.
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