**Medical Examiner/Child @buse Pediatrician** Day 4 Brandon Cervera Trial Death of 4yr old Benji

2 days ago

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Benjamin Cervera, a 4-year-old boy, tragically passed away from malnutrition in August 2021, weighing only 28 pounds. His stepmother, Miranda Casarez, was convicted of injury to a child causing serious injury and received a 25-year prison sentence. Throughout the trial, she often shifted blame to Benjamin's father, who is also facing charges of injury to a child. He was depicted by Casarez as mostly absent but controlling and abusive when present.

Investigators found that Benjamin’s body showed signs of malnutrition and was covered in bruises at the time of his death. His older brother reported that Casarez forced Benjamin to eat hot sauce and hand sanitizer and sometimes threw him in the air and let him fall.

Videos presented during the trial showed Benjamin crying for food, particularly bread. His father claimed these videos were taken to document the boy's obsession with bread, suggesting he refused to eat other food items.
Home Environment: Despite a well-stocked refrigerator and cupboards, these were secured with locks. Family members and police had reported concerns about Benjamin's welfare prior to his death, including a police report noting that he had two black eyes.

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) was alerted multiple times about the abuse and neglect. Although they initiated an investigation and placed the family on a safety plan, which was non-binding, Benjamin continued to suffer until his death.
Benjamin's father faces a maximum penalty of 99 years in prison. This heartbreaking case highlights significant failures within child protective services, raising questions about their effectiveness in safeguarding vulnerable children.e

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