The Illusion of One Step Forward and Two Steps Back - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

November 4 - The Illusion of One Step Forward and Two Steps Back - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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Please do not feel discouraged if you think that you have taken a step or two backward on your spiritual journey. In reality, there is no such thing. You might think this way, not because this thought is true, but because you have been programmed to believe it is true. It is a false concept that you have been programmed by the ego to think is real. The ego does this to try to separate you from Perfection, from a sense of oneness with God. It does this so that it can have you all to itself. It says to you that if you are taking steps backward on your journey, then you could not be a part or creation of a perfect God; and if you are not a part of a perfect God, then you must be a part of it, the ego. If you adopt these thoughts, the ego gets to survive through your belief in it. The more the ego can convince you of your oneness with it, the bigger part of your life it becomes.

In truth, backward steps do not exist on the spiritual journeys of God’s perfect creations. God is Love and All. Thus every single step along our path is a reflection and representation of Divine perfection. Today, let us make the conscious decision to place our faith in God, instead of the ego’s delusions. Let us remember that the ego’s ways bring us self-judgment, confusion, frustration, resentment and pain. When we place our faith in God’s sacred plan, we feel fulfilled, at peace and experience each step of our journey as beneficial in our growth, healing and awakening process. Aligned with this knowledge, our judgments of self and others dissolve before our light and understanding, and gratitude becomes our response to each moment and to everyone involved.
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